Gulp! #DonaldTrump is one more state away from being again! Hopefully #Pennsylvania holds the line & votes for #KamalaHarris.
#Trump wins #Georgia, a key victory in the hotly contested purple state
I know mail in ballots have not been counted yet, but unless #Kamala does exceptionally well with mail in ballots, she will lose Pennsylvania & the Presidency.
I am attempting to multitask while cleaning up the kitchen! Okay, so #KamalaHarris has been projected to win #Oregon & #Washington (the state). #Kamala also won Washington DC too.
Unfortunately, #DonaldTrump is leading in #Minnesota (16% reporting), #Wisconsin (67% reporting), #Michegan (34% reporting) & #Pennsylvania (77% reporting). The last one will be checkmate for the #Democrats.
If #Trump wins Pennsylvania, then #Republicans will control all 3 branches of government again.
#DonaldTrump just took the lead in #Pennsylvania!
#Iowa also is starting to bleed red for #Trump too (both states are technically too close to call now).
#KamalaHarris is leading in #Wisconsin again. #Kamala is maintaining her lead in #Michigan & #Pennsylvania as well. These three battleground states are considered must win for Kamala for her to defeat #DonaldTrump.
#Trump needs #NorthCarolina & #Georgia (he is leading in both). Trump also needs Pennsylvania too.
If it all comes down to Pennsylvania to determine who is President, we may not know until tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.
Okay, it appears that #Trump is leading in #Ohio now (#Kamala was before which was weird). However, #KamalaHarris is (thus far) leading in #Pennsylvania & #Michigan (states she needs to win).
#DonaldTrump has also taken the lead in #NorthCarolina & #Georgia (two states he needs).
We just have to vote in enough numbers to overcome this hurdle.
Thousands of #Pennsylvania Ballots Will Be Tossed on a Technicality. Thank #SCOTUS.
Whoa! Thousands of fake registrations were discovered in #Pennsylvania! In just one county! Other counties are also reporting fraudulent voter registrations as well (they are catching them which is good!).
Thousands of suspected fraudulent voter registration forms intercepted in Pa.
No word on who is behind this (so no accusations against #Republicans or #Democrats please), but government officials are confident they will uncover who is behind this fiasco.
@kevindalley @lauren Scarily, the fate of the #UnitedStates rests in the hands of #Republicans.
I pray #Republican women will vote for #KamalaHarris in #Georgia, #NorthCarolna & #Pennsylvania.
#DonaldTrump will win most of the Southeast (where I live), so my vote against him is irrelevant.
Due to the Electoral College, it statistically will not matter if I vote for #Kamala, as #GOP voters outnumber #Democrats & other political parties combined.
This will be a close race! I am hoping #KamalaHarris wins #NorthCarolina as it would provide a small buffer just in case she loses #Michigan, #Wisconsin or #Pennsylvania.
North Carolina sets record for first day of voting with more than 350,000 ballots
Paid workers for #ElonMusk’s super PAC are not knocking on doors & are falsifying data‽
#DonaldTrump is relying on Elon to make up for his lack of volunteer support in #Arizona & #Nevada.
#Trump ground game in key states flagged as potentially fake
I wonder if workers are doing the same thing for #Pennsylvania‽
@elena In order to win, #KamalaHarris needs to win either #Georgia or #NorthCarolina as I believe she will lose #Pennsylvania to #DonaldTrump. States on the coast are doing relatively well, but further inland the economy is not as good.
I am really worried about #Pennsylvania.
The biggest issue to voters in that state is the economy, & despite #Democrats making progress in preventing an inflationary depression, folks there blame #JoeBiden for their economic woes.
Ignore the horse-race numbers. #Harris has other challenges.
I am unsure what #KamalaHarris can do to convince voters that she is the better option than #DonaldTrump.
I know #Kamala is bettter than #Trump, but others need convincing.
Do #Republicans lack any sense of honor‽ Is not the #Republican Party the “pro-military” party‽ This is despicable!
Six #GOP congressmen sue to have #Pennsylvania military and overseas ballots set aside in November election
This is a very gutsy call, considering how close #Georgia and #Pennsylvania are (if #DonaldTrump flips those two swing states, then he becomes
But #KamalaHarris is more comfortable with #TimWalz than #JoshShapiro.
#Harris picks #Walz for VP
Long video: 2024 will be a close election between #JoeBiden & #DonaldTrump (prediction in video is #Biden gets 276 electoral votes & #Trump receives 262 electoral votes).
The election could come down to #Wisconsin, #Michigan & #Pennsylvania.